Want to lose weight, improve your mobility, increase energy and improve your confidence with a fun and friendly expert personal trainer?
**Only 2 Discounted Passes Remaining**
Have You Ever Experienced Any Of The Following
  • Want to Lose Weight, increase strength and tone up but you're looking for the motivation and guidance to do it CONSISTENTLY
  • Want to have more Energy Throughout the Day so you can be more productive and mobile with your family 
  • Want a Specifically Tailored Programme to work around your life demands so you don't have to live in the gym, whilst focusing on your overall goals
  • Want to join a Supportive Community where we all work hard together in achieving our goals
  • Improved Figure and Appearance whilst changing bad habits and introducing positive lifestyle adjustments so you can feel more CONFIDENT
  • Drastically Improve Nutrition with expert dieting guidance to accelerate your results and hit your goals in record time
Claim Your FREE ONLINE Personal Training SESSION 
Valid For New Clients Only
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Tom Will Then Call You To Arrange Your Session

Claire T

“ I've just left the NHS after 25 years with the ambulance service and I'm now a Senior University Lecturer working from home and struggling with a long term injury.  I started training with Tom after seeing an ad on facebook. Just 8 weeks into the coaching, my energy and confidence levels are up. Now I’m motivated to workout on the days even when we’re not together, so I’m definitely feeling stronger overall. I’ve been able to introduce weights & kettlebells into my training, and although working from home has made over eating so easy to do, now I’m slowly getting on top of my diet as well.

 In general, I love my sessions with Tom. They were so unthreatening when i started out which is what I needed, but I’m able to increase my effort/reps as I feel stronger. I always get clear instructions and easy to follow workouts. Having the sessions online makes them so easy to access- I don’t feel self conscious although I cannot look at myself on the screen ha ha!

 Our session timings work for me, and I’ve been able to access the pre-recorded content. I would absolutely recommend Tom’s training personal training to anyone thinking of working out with him- I’ve already suggested these to my sister who is working from home and trying to manage family and home schooling too. His sessions are so easy to access, you don’t need to gym equipment, just a small space to workout and access to a phone or tablet. You could do these sessions starting from zero fitness- Tom will encourage you to get away from the desk, off of the sofa, and moving!!”


I am Deputy Director for Wellbeing, Health and Safety in a police force. I answered a freebie on Facebook for personal training in August and haven’t looked back since.
Initially I lost weight and really dropped size with a more toned body. Work has impacted on my focus with diet and managing my eating plans so I made a decision to focus on my exercise and maintain a healthy diet as much as possible to maintain my sanity.
My muscle tone and definition is much improved, my ‘batwings’ are fading and I feel so much better in myself. I have more energy and I sleep well, especially after an evening session and with the morning sessions I am motivated throughout the day.
My diet took a turn for the worse in December as studying as well as working and Christmas meant I ate junk and boy did I feel the effects which is how I know how much I have improved since August.
This has been a very positive experience for me, I am not one to go to the gym and have developed an aversion to exercise over time. Lockdown made me reconsider my fitness and Tom has really helped me on this journey, he is calm and realistic.
Motivation has always been an issue- I start with good intentions but then fade, this is the longest I have stuck with a programme and that is down to Tom’s guidance, positivity and different options with doing workouts so no day is ever the same and it has been a real joy (sad I know) to be able to do some of the exercises with ease which I really struggled with in the beginning – Just don’t tell Tom that as he will encourage you to do more – one thing is for sure it is never boring and always challenging but in a good way.
I like the videos on the website so if I miss a class I can catch up with a video class additionally with Tom putting the programme up at the start of the year I know what we are going to do and this helps me prepare myself
The programmes on the app and the website are easy to use, lots of good information and the classes are well planned.
If you are thinking of doing something positive for your health and are ready to take the plunge I would highly recommend Tom from personal training. It suits all levels and Tom’s approach is really supportive and encouraging. Do it ....

Kamilla, 38
I’m mum of two young boys and I work as a waiter. Because of lockdown I'm not able to work and on furlough. I was looking around on the Internet for exercises to get active as I’ve never done that before and needed help. I found an advert on Facebook about Tom Harris Health and Fitness and thought it was a really good deal to try it on, so I started training at the beginning of January.
I'm proud of myself with the results I’ve had. In a month I’ve lost almost 12 lbs, I wasn't expecting that! I enjoy each session and I’m looking forward to the next one. I was never good at exercise but Tom is always giving me an easy option. You will never feel ashamed if you can’t do the exercise at first. Just keep going and next time you will do better! At the beginning I wasn't able to do planks and hold for 30s. I was always dropping my knees 🙈 After 3 weeks I hold the plank for whole 30s and correct position. It might be a small thing for someone else but for me it was a big achievement. It’s easy to access his sessions online. On the days we don’t have a live session I can always come and do a wide variety of recorded exercises so you never miss a day.
If you’re thinking of getting active even though you’ve never done it before, give it a try with Tom. He is an easy going guy who you will just enjoy doing exercise with. It lasts 45 min but you will never notice or be looking at the watch for when the time to finish is! If you need any help or information in between sessions just message Tom and he will always give you a helpful answer.”

Claire W

“Since starting the program I have lost a stone in weight, gained 10lbs of muscle and lost over 14% body fat. I am fitter, stronger and feel more confident about my body. I have also had a long term knee injury that has been significantly improved, and strengthened through training. Tom keeps you going and gives you so much support. I have worked hard to achieve my goals. Personal training is not a miracle cure and you get out what you put in. It is a way of life.”
Joy, 42
"Initially I wanted personal training to lose weight and to help with my disabilities after the car accident. Now my goal is to work with my disabilities, get as fit as I can, and to help me not lock up by doing exercise and stretches specifically advised by Tom for my body and it's needs/ability.
Having trained with Tom for the last 4 years, I'm stronger and more confident in knowing and understanding what my body is capable of, despite the issues I am presented with in daily life.
Achieving these results has meant that I'm still independent and walking, I do believe that if I hadn't have been working with Tom these last 4 years I'd be in a wheelchair by now. With his help I have managed to tone and strengthen my muscles to help support my damaged spine and to strengthen my legs to help me to keep walking despite the pain I am in from my back and knees.

What would I say to someone considering personal training?
I have and will continue to say that Tom knows his stuff, he is a gentleman, well trained and compassionate. He is flexible, able to cater to a client's needs to enable them to work with their bodies, understand their limitations and potential. I feel it is vitally important to be able to TRUST the person you have to train your body and to know that the trainer is working WITH you, not against you. You also need to have a very HONEST and CLIENT FOCUSED trainer. I have this with Tom and I genuinely like the man for who he is and will always be grateful to him for how much he has changed my life and pushes me."
Ingrid, 50
“18 months ago I did no exercise, my body was getting bigger by the month, my clothes were tight and didn't fit.... a health problem waiting to happen! BUT I made one of the best decisions I've ever made and joined a program by Tom Harris Health & Fitness and now I'm entering the World Masters Athletics Championships 2018 in Malaga, Spain doing the 100 metres sprint!"

What You Get For FREE:
  • A 90 minute Zoom/Skype One to One Personal Training Session
  • Consultation of past and current injuries/health conditions, needs, likes, dislikes
  • Identify Problem Areas
  • Nutritional Assessment 
  • Movement Screening and Fitness Testing 
  • Establish Appropriate Goals
  • Customised workout

**Only 2 passes remaining**

Ceri's (47) Testimonial
Maggie's (60) Testimonial

Based in Essex & SE London


I can offer training for your hubbies too!

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