I am Deputy Director for Wellbeing, Health and Safety in a police force. I answered a freebie on Facebook for personal training in August and haven’t looked back since.
Initially I lost weight and really dropped size with a more toned body. Work has impacted on my focus with diet and managing my eating plans so I made a decision to focus on my exercise and maintain a healthy diet as much as possible to maintain my sanity.
My muscle tone and definition is much improved, my ‘batwings’ are fading and I feel so much better in myself. I have more energy and I sleep well, especially after an evening session and with the morning sessions I am motivated throughout the day.
My diet took a turn for the worse in December as studying as well as working and Christmas meant I ate junk and boy did I feel the effects which is how I know how much I have improved since August.
This has been a very positive experience for me, I am not one to go to the gym and have developed an aversion to exercise over time. Lockdown made me reconsider my fitness and Tom has really helped me on this journey, he is calm and realistic.
Motivation has always been an issue- I start with good intentions but then fade, this is the longest I have stuck with a programme and that is down to Tom’s guidance, positivity and different options with doing workouts so no day is ever the same and it has been a real joy (sad I know) to be able to do some of the exercises with ease which I really struggled with in the beginning – Just don’t tell Tom that as he will encourage you to do more – one thing is for sure it is never boring and always challenging but in a good way.
I like the videos on the website so if I miss a class I can catch up with a video class additionally with Tom putting the programme up at the start of the year I know what we are going to do and this helps me prepare myself
The programmes on the app and the website are easy to use, lots of good information and the classes are well planned.
If you are thinking of doing something positive for your health and are ready to take the plunge I would highly recommend Tom from personal training. It suits all levels and Tom’s approach is really supportive and encouraging. Do it ....